Home Remedies To Treat Pinworms Naturally

Pinworm infections in children can be cured by homoeopathic remedy CINA (30C) twice daily for 15 days. Supplement this with a teaspoon of food-grade Diatomaceous Earth, once a day, to kill the adult pinworms. Continue this for 90 days or so and repeat after 1 month. Practise good hygiene to minimize transmission of unseen eggs through body contact.

What Are Pinworms?

If you have never seen them before, it is little freaky to see a worm crawling out of your child’s bottom. No fun! Pinworms are tiny little worms, also known as E. vermicularis, and although seem alarming, they rarely cause serious problems. Gross, yes, but, don’t seem to make one sick or ill.

Don’t be mad at your dog. They don’t come from them. Pinworms are only found in humans.

The female comes out of the anus at night and lays her eggs and that is when your child may often feel most uncomfortable and itchy. One female can lay about 10,000 eggs in her lifetime. The life cycle gets easily carried on because if someone scratches their perianal area and the eggs get under the fingernails, they can get easily re-ingested orally or shared with friends.

How To Treat Pinworms?

But don’t fear, there is hope and a natural way to treat them and get them under control. I reached for my homeopathic remedy called CINA, gave a dose, and thankfully she was able to sleep through the rest of the night. More treatment began the following day.

First of all, we continued the CINA at 30C twice daily for 15 days. Second, we added Diatomaceous Earth (DE) (food-grade only) one teaspoon mixed in applesauce at least once a day.

DE, as it is called, actually kills the adult pinworms and not the eggs, so it is important to keep the treatment up. I would suggest at least 90 days or so, and some people just take it every day. Next, we added an herbal remedy for worms.

We did all of the above for 15 days just to clear them all out, but I would suggest keeping up with the DE indefinitely. Bummer is you need to treat the whole family as the eggs are tiny and are easily passed from person to person without notice. They can be easily passed among small children in close quarters, hence the need to teach them to wash hands not necessarily with antibacterial soap, but with just plain soap, water, and friction.

It would be wise as well to wash all sheets, towels and clothes before using twice during this time. Change underwear daily and no bath sharing. Do not scratch the infected area or place your fingers in your mouth.

Over-the-counter Medicines And Side Effects

There are many over-the-counter medicines that can work and I have heard and seen success with. These medicines basically paralyze the nervous system of the pinworms and they eventually come out with the poop.

The side effects include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache or dizziness sometimes occur after taking this drug. Many such medicines recommend that children under 2 years not use it, not sure why, but if children under 2 can’t use it, makes me wonder why 3 and 4-year-olds would be ok to use it.

Also, typically with such OTC drugs to rid the body of parasites or worms, you see a trend in the parasites developing resistance to them. Knowing that, I chose to go what seemed the safest and most natural route for our family. Thankfully no one else seemed to be infected. We did, however, repeat the whole treatment a month later just to be safe as the life cycle can be about 21 days and wanted to make sure we didn’t miss any.

So, the next time your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night complaining of itching or burning in their rectal area, be sure to get a flashlight out to check for pinworms. If you don’t see them on first look, another way is to use some scotch tape to the affected area and they will come off on the tape.

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