Ayurveda (25)
the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.
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10 Herbs For Acne Remedies
Wednesday, 02 November 2016 12:01 Written by J.N. SsekazingaAcne is primarily caused by changes in the hormonal balance of the body. More specifically, the onset of puberty usually coincides with the first eruption of acne because of rising levels of androgens such as testosterone and its metabolite, dihydrotestosterone. We bring to you 11 herbs that are used as acne remedies
1. Neem
Neem is valued in Ayurvedic medicine for its varied healing properties due to its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral capabilities. For acne, fresh 5 leaves everyday taken in the morning helps in removing stubborn acne.
2. Lemon
Clean your skin and apply lemon juice with a cotton ball. The acid in lemon helps flush out the pores and keeps the skin looking beautiful.
3. Garlic
Rub your acne with raw garlic several times a day. This helps in relieving the pain and also heals acne fast.
4. Grape
Grape seed extract is a powerful all-around antimicrobial agent and is an excellent disinfectant. Make a solution of 4-40 drops in four ounces of water and apply to the affected areas with a cotton ball two or three times a day.
5. Cucumber
Drink four or five cups of cucumber juice daily for a week. This will purify the blood and lymphatic system, resulting in a clearer skin.
6. Coriander
Drink tea made by combining 0.5 teaspoons of coriander, cumin and fennel and steep it in hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the tea after breakfast, lunch and dinner.
7. Chickpea
Wash your face with chickpea paste. Mix one teaspoon of chick-pea flour with a little water. Dry with a clean towel. This is also a good remedy to cure acne.
8. Beet
Use a blend of one-part beet root juice, three parts carrot juice and two parts water to stimulate the liver and to cleanse the system. This will help you in relieving the pain.
9. Basil
Make an infusion of basil leaves. Put two to four teaspoons of dried basil leaves in a cup of boiling water, steep for 10 to 20 minutes, cool, and apply to the acne.
10. Aloe
The pulp of aloe vera is an exceptional skin cleanser. The juice of this plant counteracts infection and promotes healing. Split off a portion of aloe vera leaf and rub the pulp directly on the skin.
Tips For Glowing, Beautiful, And Healthy Skin
Monday, 31 October 2016 11:34 Written by J.N. SsekazingaSkin is the most important organ of the human body and also the most essential component of attractiveness. The everyday routine decides the fitness of the upper crust of the body. Skin quality also makes a person happier and rejuvenated. Skin, the most essential organ of the body requires extra care. Along with the outer care, the skin requires internal nourishment as well. Each and every layer of the skin demands proper care and gentleness.
Symptoms of Skin Problems
- Discoloring and dark circles
- Thin blood vessels
- Moles and skin cancer
- Extremely oily
- Fine lines and dehydration
Home Remedies for Glowing Skin
It has anti tanning property, which helps in reducing the dark spots on the skin. It also treats the blemishes on the skin. However, the thing that has to be remembered is that after its application the skin must not be exposed to sunlight.
Honey Combo
Honey works best, when it is mixed with lemon and milk. These combos help in getting a lighter and clearer skin. It can also be combined with cucumber juice and curd.
Oatmeal helps in removing dirt that settles on the pores of the skin. Mix oatmeal with turmeric and water, apply on the skin, and after it dries, wash it with lukewarm water.
It acts as a natural bleaching agent. It enhances the skin’s texture and tone. The application of potato is also very simple, but it may take some time to see visible results as it works slowly.
It is a skin lightening material. It absorbs oil and opens blocked pores. Tomato provides a pink texture and can do wonders. Apply tomato pulp on the skin and wash after it dries for best results.
Ice Cubes
Ice improves blood circulation and makes the skin cool and calm. It also prepares the skin for the application of make-up. After application of ice, make up lasts longer and does not smudge.
Herbs for Healthy Skin
Orange Peel
It eliminates excess oil from the skin and has a cleansing action. It is also known for its tremendous medicinal properties like antiseptic, glowing, detoxification, and purifying characteristics. It helps regenerate new cells and get rid of dead cells.
This natural ingredient has soothing, cooling and calming impacts on the individuals. It helps in the treatment of skin infections, rashes, irritations, discoloration, dark spots and others.
Turmeric has many medicinal characteristics. These include antiseptic, antimicrobial, blood purifying, detoxification and skin enhancement characteristics. The curative properties of this herb are highly important for getting glowing and perfect skin.
Multani Mitti
This helps to exfoliate the dead skin cells of the body. It also helps to open up the blocked pores of the skin. This helps the skin to breathe and helps oxygen to reach each and every cell of the body. It also helps in treating dark circles, acne and other skin related disorders effectively.
Skin is one of the most essential parts of our body. It has an influence on your overall appearance. Thus, making it essential for all to take proper care of the skin and preserve it properly to their best.
Remove Skin Tags Naturally
Monday, 31 October 2016 07:16 Written by J.N. SsekazingaSkin tags are a type of benign skin growth that look like a tiny flap of skin. You can opt for a number of natural skin tag removal methods. Just be mindful of the location of your skin tag and if it is near your eyes, it is best to have a professional remove it. If it is elsewhere on the body, there is no harm in using natural ways for skin tag removal at home.
1. Ginger
Rub slices of raw ginger on the affected area for about 2 weeks and the skin tag is supposed to fall off eventually.
2. Castor Oil
Castor oil can be used both internally and externally. It can be used as an external ointment by mixing it with a little baking soda to make a paste. You can also add some citrus oil to the paste as it will be very stinky. Apply this paste on the affected area and use a band aid to cover it. Repeat this for 2 – 4 weeks or until the skin tag disappears.
3. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice contains citric acid which helps decompose the cells in the skin tags. Dab some lemon juice onto a cotton ball and apply it directly on the skin tag. Leave it on the affected area till it dries off. You will notice some changes in the skin tags after applying lemon juice for few days. In due course of time, the skin tag will dry out and vanish. Just have patience and apply this remedy daily.
4. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil contains thymol, arvacrol and p-cymene – three types of phenolic terpenoids components – and these have powerful antibacterial properties. They also contain antimelanomic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and antiseptic properties. Create a mixture of four to six drops of coconut oil and two to three drops of oregano oil and apply this directly to your skin tag three times a day. This should dry out the skin tag so that it falls off on its own. Make sure to always use a carrier oil to dilute the oregano oil or else you risk redness and irritation. This oil also must never be used near your eyes.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is very effective in removing skin tags. Apply a small dab of vinegar on cotton ball or a q-tip and apply it on the skin tag. After you apply vinegar, it may cause a stinging sensation for a few minutes. Use it for two to four weeks for the skin tags to vanish.
6. Tea Tree Oil
In order to use this remedy, clean the skin tag and take a cotton ball soaked in water. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to the soaked cotton ball. Now apply it directly to the skin tag in circular motions. Repeat this 1-2 times daily for a week or 10 days until the lesion vanishes.
7. Fenugreek Seeds
The properties of fenugreek seeds help in skin tag removal. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and drink this water in the morning before having breakfast. You can even chew the soaked fenugreek seeds.
8. Fig Stem Juice
Fig stem juice is widely used for skin issues because it helps to balance the alkaline-acid balance. To create this juice, grab some fresh fig stems and blend them to extract the juice. You can apply this juice to the skin tag up to four times a day.
9. Vitamin E
You need to rub the vitamin E oil on to the lesion two times a day. This will help you remove the skin tags in 1 – 2 weeks. Combine vitamin E oil with garlic and let it rest overnight for better results.
Natural Remedies For Varicose Veins
Thursday, 13 October 2016 08:04 Written by J.N. SsekazingaLumpy, twisted veins can give you a lot of grief, making your legs heavy and painful. But simple things like keeping your feet elevated, exercising, and wearing comfortable shoes and clothes can help varicose veins better. Extracts of butcher’s broom, horse chestnut, and bilberry have also been found to relieve swollen feet and cramps. So put your feet up and relax – there’s a lot that can be done for your varicose veins!
Varicose veins form when valves that open to let the blood flow into the heart become damaged or weak, causing blood to flow backward. This blood then pools in the veins, causing them to become swollen and twisted.
Factors May Mean That You’re Likely To Get Them
- There could be a genetic component to varicose veins, with almost 50% of people with varicose veins having a family history.
- As you age, the valves in your veins become weaker and may not function properly.
- Women tend to be more likely to get them. Hormonal changes during menopause, pregnancy, and puberty could be a cause. Moreover, during pregnancy, the baby puts additional pressure on the mother’s legs, which can lead to varicose veins.
- Obesity can increase your risk as it puts extra pressure on your veins.
- Sitting or standing for long periods of time can also raise your chances of getting varicose veins. When you stay put in a position for long, your veins have to work harder to get blood to the heart.
What Can You Do About It?
In some cases, your doctor may recommend medical procedures like endothermal ablation (which uses energy from radio waves or lasers to seal the veins that are affected), sclerotherapy (where a foam that scars the affected vein and seals it is injected in), or surgery.4 However, most people with varicose veins do not need treatment – lifestyle changes and home remedies can help them manage the condition. Traditional medical systems like Ayurveda too have answers for this condition.
1. Lifestyle Changes
- Your doctor may recommend the use of compression stockings which puts gentle pressure on the legs to help blood flow.
- Make sure that you take enough breaks if you have to stand or sit (especially with your legs crossed) for a while. Raising your legs above your heart level can also ease pressure on your veins.
- Regular exercise can improve the muscle tone of your legs and blood circulation. And if you’re obese, losing weight can help immensely.
- Dress comfortably as tight clothes can make it harder for blood to flow.
- Don’t wear high heels for too long; smaller heels are better for toning your calf muscles, which will improve blood circulation.
2. Natural Remedies
Some natural remedies can also be useful in dealing with varicose veins.
- Horse chestnut seed extract reduces swelling in the leg as well as itching, heaviness, and pain. The bioactive compound aescin is thought to be responsible for these effects.6 It’s effective when taken internally as well as applied externally. However, do keep in mind that raw horse chestnut seeds are toxic and should not be consumed. When properly processed, the toxic element (esculin) is removed, making it safe for use.7
- Bilberry Fruit extracts have been found to strengthen capillaries and increase the flexibility of red blood cell membranes. It can relieve swelling of the ankle and calf, numbness, and cramps.8
- Witch Hazel has flavonoids and tannins that protect the structure of veins and help maintain blood vessels. Wiping the affected area with a witch hazel decoction can be helpful, but do be careful not to exert pressure directly on the varicose veins.9
- Gotu Kola can strengthen veins and improve circulation.10 Salves as well as supplements containing its extracts are used for varicose veins. A study found that when it was used to treat people with varicose veins for two months it reduced swelling as well as heaviness in the legs.11
- Butcher’s Broom root contains ruscogenin, a steroidal component that helps to strengthen veins.12 Studies have found that a formulation containing the extract of butcher’s broom root has the ability to reduce pain, cramping, and heaviness in people with varicose veins when ingested.13 Topical creams with butcher’s broom are also used for varicose veins.
- Apple Cider Vinegar has been traditionally used for varicose veins. Participants of a study were asked to soak a cloth with apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area for half an hour twice daily, in addition to following regular medical treatment. Symptoms like cramps, swelling, pain, and itching improved considerably more than it did for those who were just following regular medical treatment.14
3. Ayurvedic Remedies
- Ayurveda prescribes the procedure of bloodletting (raktamokshan) for varicose veins. A medicinal leech is applied to parts of the body surrounding the varicose vein so that it can suck out blood. A study that looked at the effectiveness of leech therapy found that it promoted healing of ulcers or sores, and reduced swelling and hyper-pigmentation in people with varicose veins.15
- Massage with medicinal oils like narayan oil and bala oil or even plain warm sesame oil twice a day upward from foot to groin is considered to strengthen valves and improve varicose veins. Do be careful not to knead or apply pressure directly on the varicose. And soak your legs in warm water after the massage for a relaxing finish.16
- Ayurveda also prescribes specific medicinal formulations like naagaarjunaabhra ras and punarnavaadi guggulu to treat varicose veins.
Popular News
Treat Wrinkles And Skin Aging With These 6 Excellent Home Remedies
Thursday, 29 September 2016 08:47 Written by J.N. SsekazingaThere would hardly be anyone who does not run the extra mile to delay aging of skin and appearance of wrinkles. There is no necessity to go for expensive treatments and procedures, for this purpose.
You have several simple home remedies that effectively address the issue. Here are 6 of the best remedies.
1. Olive Oil And Honey
Olive oil comes packed with several key vitamins and is hence a highly dependable substance to fight wrinkles. In fact, in this remedy, you also have honey that perfectly complements the oil to beat the aging of skin.
Go ahead and start trying it from today! You will soon be amazed with the young look of your skin!
Take 1 tbsp each of olive oil and honey.
Mix them together thoroughly.
Now gently rub the mixture on the skin.
Repeat it 2 times every day to rejuvenate the skin.
2. Fenugreek
Here, you have another reliable home remedy, fenugreek. The minerals and vitamins present in fenugreek ensure that your skin remains free of wrinkles and lines for a very long time.
- Take 1 cup of fenugreek seeds.
- Grind them to form a solid paste.
- Apply this paste on your face.
- Leave it undisturbed overnight.
- Rinse your face using warm water, in the morning.
- Follow the process every day to see the desired result.
3. Rose water, Lemon Juice And Glycerine
Rose water is a powerful astringent that enables the skin not to lose its firmness. Here, you combine rose water with two more substances that combat skin aging, lemon juice and glycerine.
- Take 2 tsp rose water and 1 tsp each of lemon juice and glycerine.
- Mix the 3 ingredients together properly.
- Dip a cotton ball in the mixture.
- Now slowly rub the cotton ball on your face daily, at bedtime.
Go for any of these tried and tested home remedies and stop worrying about wrinkles and aging of the skin.
4. Yogurt
When combating skin aging is your priority, yogurt is an ingredient that you must not ignore. The high content of lactic acid in yogurt leads to speedy regeneration of skin cells. Try this wonderful remedy today!
- Take ½ cup of yogurt.
- Directly spread it on your face.
- Wait for around 30 minutes.
- Wash off your face using cool water.
- Repeat this daily and you will be happy with the outcome.
5. Papaya Mask
The list of anti-aging home remedies will be incomplete if a mention of the papaya mask is not made. The antioxidant effects of papaya, are great for your skin.
- Take 1 ripe papaya and slice it into small pieces.
- Mash these pieces so that they become a fine paste.
- Spread the paste on your face.
- Leave it undisturbed for 20 minutes.
- Then rinse your face with lukewarm water.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is packed with strong astringent properties, which enhance the appearance of your skin by preventing/reducing formation of wrinkles. The vinegar maintains the proper PH balance of the skin, too.
- Take ½ cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water.
- Now take 1 spray bottle.
- Add the vinegar and water in the spray bottle.
- Mix well.
- Then spray the contents on your face.
- Gently rub the mixture on your face.
- Use this spray every day to prevent skin aging.
Make Natural Vaginal Wash At Home
Wednesday, 28 September 2016 11:38 Written by J.N. SsekazingaIt is important to maintain vaginal hygiene and keep it clean and odorless. The safest bet would be to prepare natural vaginal wash at home with natural ingredients. Have a look at a few natural vaginal wash that you can make.
1. Aloe Vera Gel
You will require fresh aloe Vera to make this. Slice a fresh piece of aloe and remove the gel and add it to a cup of water. Use this water as a vaginal wash.
2. Yogurt
Yogurt is a very effective natural remedy to clean the vagina. Apply homemade yogurt directly to remove candida infection.
3. Lemon Leaves
A compound called limonene is present in lemon leaves which make it an anti-microbial, antibiotic and an anti-allergic agent to clean and remove any foul odor. It also helps maintain the pH of the vagina keeping it healthy and clean.
4. Chamomile Oil
This is a great way to help you get rid of vaginal odor. Add one drop of oil to about 2 cups of water. Use this to wash your sensitive area.
5. Baking Soda
Baking soda helps balance the pH level in the body and reduce any kind of odor. Add half a cup of baking soda in your bath tub and soak yourself for at least 20 minutes.
Treat Eczema At Home Using these Things!
Tuesday, 27 September 2016 11:19 Written by J.N. SsekazingaBoil 20–30 neem leaves in 4–5 cups of water for 20 mins. Cool and wash rashes with it. Alternatively, heat 1 tsp licorice root powder in sesame oil. Apply this on rashes, conceal with a bandage, and leave for 3-4 hrs. Repeat twice daily. Avoid humid places and oily or spicy foods. Wear loose, cotton clothes. Bathe with a mild herbal soap and dab your skin dry instead of rubbing it.
Eczema is a disease characterized by skin rashes that have redness, swelling, itching, dryness, and flaking. The skin itches and when scratched results in a rash. In Ayurveda, this is known as vicharchika. It occurs when the immune system becomes unbalanced, so the condition is often associated with other allergic conditions like allergic asthma and hay fever. Genetic factors, debility, climate, and psychological factors can dispose one to the condition.
How To Treat Eczema At Home?
1. Margosa (Neem) Decoction
Prepare a decoction by boiling 20–30 margosa (neem) leaves in about 4–5 cups of water for 20 minutes. Let it cool and use this water to wash the affected area.
2. Licorice And Sesame Oil
Mix 1 teaspoon powder of licorice root with a small amount of sesame oil. Warm this in a pan and then apply to the affected part. Wrap a bandage over it and leave for 3–4 hours. Repeat twice a day.
Foods And Beverages To Avoid
- Avoid spicy or oily food.
- Avoid tea, coffee, hot spices, and canned and preserved foods.
- Avoid night shade vegetables.
What Else Should I Follow?
- Avoid a hot, humid atmosphere.
- Wear loose, cotton clothes. Avoid synthetic fibers as they inhibit perspiration.
- Avoid soap or use mild herbal soap for bathing.
- Use a soft, smooth towel and avoid rubbing the skin.
Home Remedies To Treat Pinworms Naturally
Tuesday, 27 September 2016 11:15 Written by J.N. SsekazingaPinworm infections in children can be cured by homoeopathic remedy CINA (30C) twice daily for 15 days. Supplement this with a teaspoon of food-grade Diatomaceous Earth, once a day, to kill the adult pinworms. Continue this for 90 days or so and repeat after 1 month. Practise good hygiene to minimize transmission of unseen eggs through body contact.
What Are Pinworms?
If you have never seen them before, it is little freaky to see a worm crawling out of your child’s bottom. No fun! Pinworms are tiny little worms, also known as E. vermicularis, and although seem alarming, they rarely cause serious problems. Gross, yes, but, don’t seem to make one sick or ill.
Don’t be mad at your dog. They don’t come from them. Pinworms are only found in humans.
The female comes out of the anus at night and lays her eggs and that is when your child may often feel most uncomfortable and itchy. One female can lay about 10,000 eggs in her lifetime. The life cycle gets easily carried on because if someone scratches their perianal area and the eggs get under the fingernails, they can get easily re-ingested orally or shared with friends.
How To Treat Pinworms?
But don’t fear, there is hope and a natural way to treat them and get them under control. I reached for my homeopathic remedy called CINA, gave a dose, and thankfully she was able to sleep through the rest of the night. More treatment began the following day.
First of all, we continued the CINA at 30C twice daily for 15 days. Second, we added Diatomaceous Earth (DE) (food-grade only) one teaspoon mixed in applesauce at least once a day.
DE, as it is called, actually kills the adult pinworms and not the eggs, so it is important to keep the treatment up. I would suggest at least 90 days or so, and some people just take it every day. Next, we added an herbal remedy for worms.
We did all of the above for 15 days just to clear them all out, but I would suggest keeping up with the DE indefinitely. Bummer is you need to treat the whole family as the eggs are tiny and are easily passed from person to person without notice. They can be easily passed among small children in close quarters, hence the need to teach them to wash hands not necessarily with antibacterial soap, but with just plain soap, water, and friction.
It would be wise as well to wash all sheets, towels and clothes before using twice during this time. Change underwear daily and no bath sharing. Do not scratch the infected area or place your fingers in your mouth.
Over-the-counter Medicines And Side Effects
There are many over-the-counter medicines that can work and I have heard and seen success with. These medicines basically paralyze the nervous system of the pinworms and they eventually come out with the poop.
The side effects include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache or dizziness sometimes occur after taking this drug. Many such medicines recommend that children under 2 years not use it, not sure why, but if children under 2 can’t use it, makes me wonder why 3 and 4-year-olds would be ok to use it.
Also, typically with such OTC drugs to rid the body of parasites or worms, you see a trend in the parasites developing resistance to them. Knowing that, I chose to go what seemed the safest and most natural route for our family. Thankfully no one else seemed to be infected. We did, however, repeat the whole treatment a month later just to be safe as the life cycle can be about 21 days and wanted to make sure we didn’t miss any.
So, the next time your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night complaining of itching or burning in their rectal area, be sure to get a flashlight out to check for pinworms. If you don’t see them on first look, another way is to use some scotch tape to the affected area and they will come off on the tape.