J.N. Ssekazinga

Samsung Electronics posted its first drop in annual net profit in three years Thursday and saw resurgent arch-rival Apple barge in on its pole position as the world's top smartphone maker.

The South Korean firm, whose key mobile phone operations have struggled in the face of intense competition from cut-price Chinese rivals, also warned that it expected 2015's "business environment... to be as challenging as 2014."

The tech giant said Thursday it recorded a net profit of 23.4 trillion won ($21.45 billion) in 2014, down 23.2 percent from a year ago and the first decline since 2011.

Operating profit fell 11.7 percent to 25 trillion won in the year and sales also tumbled 10 percent to 206 trillion won.

Under growing pressure to boost shareholder returns, the company still managed to announce an increased dividend of 19,500 won a share, up from 13,800 won a year earlier.
The Samsung results contrasted sharply with the triumphant surge in the fortunes of California tech titan Apple, which reported a fourth quarter net profit of $18 billion -- the largest ever made by a public company.

Apple's performance was driven by the sale of 74.5 million iPhones, which included a doubling of sales volume in the crucial Greater China region.

Samsung's fourth quarter net profit, meanwhile, was down 27 percent at 5.3 trillion won.

Chip cushion

The fall was cushioned by a boom in high-margin chip sales that helped offset the downturn in the key mobile sector, with operating profit in the semi-conductor division rising 35.7 percent to 2.7 trillion won in the October-December period from a year earlier.
Samsung shares closed the day down 1.31 percent at 1,360,000 won.

The annual profit figure marked a dramatic reversal for the company, which is also facing a once-in-a-generation leadership change after several years of stellar growth, driven by the once all-conquering mobile division.

The popularity of the iPhone 6 helped Apple catch up with Samsung to share the title of world's top smartphone vendor, market researcher Strategy Analytics said Thursday.

Apple shipped 74.5 million handsets in the fourth quarter of last year with a market share of 19.6 percent -- on a par with Samsung, whose shipments and market share slipped markedly from a year ago.

Samsung had held the global smartphone vendor crown on its own since dethroning Apple in 2011.
Samsung's flagship Galaxy phones have suffered in the high-end market thanks to the popularity of the iPhone 6, while its dominance of the middle- and low-end handset segment has been challenged by Chinese firms such as Huawei, Xiaomi and Lenovo.

New strategy

Samsung plans to slash the number of smartphone models it issues in 2015, while boosting production of remaining models that can be sold more cheaply to compete with Chinese rivals

Source: Daily Monitor

Prime Minister Dr Ruhakana Rugunda has commended the government of Canada for their support and partnership in fight against terrorism in Uganda and the region as a whole.
Dr Rugunda said international coordination by all stakeholders could break the backbone of terrorism across the world.

He made the remarks on Tuesday while receiving the Canadian High Commissioner to Uganda, David Angell who is based in Nairobi, Kenya.
During the meeting at his office, the premier also hailed Canada for its cordial relationship with Uganda since 1962.
Canada, which has a consulate in Kampala, is focused on laying a firm foundation for lasting peace in Uganda and the broader region. Canada was among the principal supporters of the peace process during the Lord’s Resistance Army insurgency of Joseph Kony.

It also offers military training opportunities for the Uganda People’s Defense Forces, and both countries signed a memorandum of understanding on the deployment of formed Police Units to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISON).
Dr Rugunda and his guest also discussed ways of improving the trade and investment opportunities that exist between the two countries. Ugandan imports from Canada include textiles and machinery, while her exports there are mostly coffee and fish.
Uganda and Canada are currently considering a proposal to initiate and establish a Joint Permanent Commission to further enhance cooperation and bilateral relations.

Source: Daily Monitor

Thursday, 29 January 2015 00:00

UWA sued over export of pangolin scales

Kampala- A non-governmental organisation has sued Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) for alleged issuance of licence for exporting pangolin scales.

Greenwatch says UWA was established to protect the environment which includes wildlife but it has either refused or failed to fulfil its mandate.

The NGO claims UWA acted without authority in issuing a licence for export of pangolin scales.

According to the particulars of the case, Greenwatch claims that on January 21, 2015, the New Vision carried a feature showing that UWA was issuing, had issued or was about to issue an export licence to one Smith Ewa Maku and Smico Skin Craft industries to export seven tonnes of pangolin scales worth about Shs11 billion.

“Upon carrying out further investigation, we found that a licence to purchase game trophy had been issued to Smith Ewa Maku,” reads part of the suit. The NGO says the Convention on International Trade, to which Uganda is a signatory, prohibits trade in pangolin scales.

“The Game Act lists pangolin as endangered species and as such the entity has no power or authority to issue licences or export of their scales,” Greenwatch claims.

Court documents filed by Greenwatch indicate that a kilogramme of pangolin scales which can only be obtained from one adult or two young ones is worth Shs1,704,000 and has a very attractive market in China and other Asian countries.

Greenwatch also says that the method used to obtain pangolin scales is by killing the animals in a cruel manner usually by snares, traps or poison.

The NGO wants court to issue a permanent injunction stopping UWA or its agents from issuing licences for export of pangolin scales.

The NGO also wants cancellation of the licences already issued to any persons or body to deal or trade in pangolin scales.

About pangolins

Pangolin scales come from the pangolin (also called a scaly anteater), a toothless, scale-covered mammal native to Africa and China.

Pangolins have small heads, long, broad tails and well-developed claws. Its scales are believed to be of medicinal value.

Source: Daily Monitor

Wednesday, 29 October 2014 00:00

Symptoms of Diabetes

Increased Thirst & Urination

As glucose levels in the blood rise, the kidneys attempt to filter it from your blood. When there is too much glucose in the blood the kidneys eventually can’t keep up. The excess glucose is excreted into your urine along with fluids from your body. This causes more frequent urination as your body attempts to expel the glucose. You become chronically dehydrated and the urge to drink more becomes increased.

Increased Hunger

Your body needs to utilize insulin to pull glucose into your cells. When you have a lack of insulin, or are insulin resistant, your body can’t store the glucose in your cells. Cells need glucose for energy. Because you aren’t storing the glucose, your body doesn’t have the energy it needs. This translates to increased hunger as the body’s attempt to increase calories for energy. 

Weakness and Fatigue

Along the same lines as increased hunger, weakness and fatigue are a result of the body’s inability to properly utilize energy (glucose). Without being able to pull glucose into the cells, the body doesn’t have the proper amount of energy to function optimally. This results in fatigue and weakness. 

Unexpected Weight Loss

What happens when the body is excreting excess glucose when you eat? It’s not storing it as energy for later. The body excretes the glucose in urine and decreases the amount of calories that are being absorbed into the cells. This means you end up losing weight as a result since you can’t compensate in calories for what is lost. 

Tingling or Numbness

Tingling or numbness, otherwise known as diabetic neuropathy is damage to nerves that arises as a complication of high blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels are elevated, it interferes with signals transmitted by nerves. In addition, the walls of small blood vessels are weakened, effectively cutting off blood supply to nerves. This usually happens in the outermost extremities, starting with the feet. 


Court has ordered Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL) to pay its competitor, MTN Uganda Limited, more than Shs6 billion to settle an interconnection bill for the period from March to December 2007.

The Court of Appeal justices, Remmy Kasule, Rubby Aweri Opio and Richard Buteera, made the order while dismissing an appeal by UTL to uphold a High Court order in which UTL will pay interest on the said money, charges for delayed payments at 19 per cent and damages worth Shs100 million with interest at 8 per cent.
“Having found that the grounds of appeal have all failed, we hereby dismiss the appeal with costs and also those of the court below to the respondent,” the judges unanimously held.

Court documents indicate that in February 2008, MTN invoiced UTL for Shs6 billion as interconnection fees but they later paid Shs3 billion contending that the balance was not due to them, leading to the court case.

MTN, through their lawyers Kampala Associated Advocates, argued that the said arose as a result of applying the domestic rate of Shs100 to the telephone traffic exchange between UTL and MTN for telephone traffic originating from and terminating on code +256 6477 XXX.

Documents indicate that the money arose out of interconnection with Gemtel, telecommunications operator in South Sudan. Court held that the network for utl and Gemtel was one because the code was for local traffic.

The Court of Appeal held that the Ugandan minister in charge of Telecommunications did not issue guidelines in accordance with the request by the government of South Sudan for use of the Uganda code +256 by Gemtel Limited, a communications company licensed to operate in the country. Court also heard that the telephone traffic that terminated on UTL’s own network of +256 477 xxx was local as its network which had been allocated to Gemtel for use in South Sudan.

The agreement
MTN and UTL agreed to an interconnection agreement effective February 1, 2001 through which the two companies were obliged to pay each other interconnection fees for traffic terminating in each other’s network, or originating from one’s network and transiting the other’s network.


Source: Daily Monitor

Friday, 27 June 2014 00:00

Let's be honest about T20

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisi ipsum, aliquet ac vulputate eu, congue nec diam. Mauris ligula metus, tempus eget scelerisque nec, aliquet et risus. Nulla consequat elit vel ipsum pharetra quis tempor metus varius. Duis nulla enim, placerat eu imperdiet at, fermentum ac nibh. Suspendisse ac orci porttitor justo aliquet eleifend. In convallis, felis fermentum tincidunt volutpat, sem justo scelerisque ipsum, sed iaculis sapien est id lectus.

Praesent ut nisi sed elit volutpat posuere. Pellentesque nec ipsum et nibh sagittis malesuada eget quis ipsum. Nam dui risus, fringilla a bibendum nec, sagittis eget nisi. Aliquam risus urna, ullamcorper vitae ultricies eu, adipiscing nec dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis rutrum tortor et ante lacinia a interdum metus aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In in diam id justo faucibus vestibulum non eget mauris. Vivamus et elit risus. Cras euismod leo ut massa adipiscing aliquet eget vel justo.

Vestibulum eget tincidunt quam. Nulla et tellus id velit gravida volutpat id a urna. Nullam felis eros, adipiscing vitae fermentum ut, pretium at odio. In quam justo, molestie at ultrices vitae, ornare in lacus. Etiam felis tortor, tristique vitae ultrices a, ornare vitae leo. Nulla vel sapien dolor, vitae mattis erat. Nulla facilisi. Donec mi lorem, fermentum ut egestas aliquam, tincidunt vitae magna. Phasellus nec commodo elit. Nulla aliquam risus in ligula feugiat vel dapibus libero placerat. Nulla non volutpat mi. Vivamus sapien augue, tincidunt vitae vestibulum id, convallis quis orci.

Curabitur erat ligula, mollis ut euismod non, congue at ante. Duis elementum nisl ac sapien vehicula iaculis. Ut adipiscing justo eget eros congue sit amet pharetra est eleifend. Proin vehicula tincidunt arcu ac semper. Curabitur aliquam quam vel risus fringilla sed porta nisi pulvinar. Quisque sed odio quis odio lacinia volutpat. Vestibulum bibendum condimentum malesuada. Sed sit amet gravida urna. Fusce id massa dui. Pellentesque pretium erat ut odio pretium adipiscing. Donec nec leo sapien. Cras gravida eleifend mollis. Fusce nibh justo, malesuada nec interdum id, luctus id lectus. Nunc consectetur eros eget diam porta consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ut turpis eget arcu consectetur tincidunt id eget nisi. Suspendisse potenti.

Sed pellentesque felis id quam pretium aliquet. Morbi tincidunt accumsan nisi id rutrum. Donec at eros mi, id lacinia massa. Curabitur lectus neque, scelerisque vitae auctor non, consequat et mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et massa eu enim pellentesque rutrum. Pellentesque a velit sem. Nulla ac eros tellus. Fusce semper suscipit massa lacinia eleifend. Praesent pharetra bibendum augue, volutpat pretium odio sodales non. Nunc semper blandit purus, non dictum odio consectetur quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Friday, 27 June 2014 00:00

Sport's what you make of it

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisi ipsum, aliquet ac vulputate eu, congue nec diam. Mauris ligula metus, tempus eget scelerisque nec, aliquet et risus. Nulla consequat elit vel ipsum pharetra quis tempor metus varius. Duis nulla enim, placerat eu imperdiet at, fermentum ac nibh. Suspendisse ac orci porttitor justo aliquet eleifend. In convallis, felis fermentum tincidunt volutpat, sem justo scelerisque ipsum, sed iaculis sapien est id lectus.

Praesent ut nisi sed elit volutpat posuere. Pellentesque nec ipsum et nibh sagittis malesuada eget quis ipsum. Nam dui risus, fringilla a bibendum nec, sagittis eget nisi. Aliquam risus urna, ullamcorper vitae ultricies eu, adipiscing nec dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis rutrum tortor et ante lacinia a interdum metus aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In in diam id justo faucibus vestibulum non eget mauris. Vivamus et elit risus. Cras euismod leo ut massa adipiscing aliquet eget vel justo.

Vestibulum eget tincidunt quam. Nulla et tellus id velit gravida volutpat id a urna. Nullam felis eros, adipiscing vitae fermentum ut, pretium at odio. In quam justo, molestie at ultrices vitae, ornare in lacus. Etiam felis tortor, tristique vitae ultrices a, ornare vitae leo. Nulla vel sapien dolor, vitae mattis erat. Nulla facilisi. Donec mi lorem, fermentum ut egestas aliquam, tincidunt vitae magna. Phasellus nec commodo elit. Nulla aliquam risus in ligula feugiat vel dapibus libero placerat. Nulla non volutpat mi. Vivamus sapien augue, tincidunt vitae vestibulum id, convallis quis orci.

Curabitur erat ligula, mollis ut euismod non, congue at ante. Duis elementum nisl ac sapien vehicula iaculis. Ut adipiscing justo eget eros congue sit amet pharetra est eleifend. Proin vehicula tincidunt arcu ac semper. Curabitur aliquam quam vel risus fringilla sed porta nisi pulvinar. Quisque sed odio quis odio lacinia volutpat. Vestibulum bibendum condimentum malesuada. Sed sit amet gravida urna. Fusce id massa dui. Pellentesque pretium erat ut odio pretium adipiscing. Donec nec leo sapien. Cras gravida eleifend mollis. Fusce nibh justo, malesuada nec interdum id, luctus id lectus. Nunc consectetur eros eget diam porta consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ut turpis eget arcu consectetur tincidunt id eget nisi. Suspendisse potenti.

Sed pellentesque felis id quam pretium aliquet. Morbi tincidunt accumsan nisi id rutrum. Donec at eros mi, id lacinia massa. Curabitur lectus neque, scelerisque vitae auctor non, consequat et mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et massa eu enim pellentesque rutrum. Pellentesque a velit sem. Nulla ac eros tellus. Fusce semper suscipit massa lacinia eleifend. Praesent pharetra bibendum augue, volutpat pretium odio sodales non. Nunc semper blandit purus, non dictum odio consectetur quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Friday, 27 June 2014 00:00

Life outside the cricket stadium

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisi ipsum, aliquet ac vulputate eu, congue nec diam. Mauris ligula metus, tempus eget scelerisque nec, aliquet et risus. Nulla consequat elit vel ipsum pharetra quis tempor metus varius. Duis nulla enim, placerat eu imperdiet at, fermentum ac nibh. Suspendisse ac orci porttitor justo aliquet eleifend. In convallis, felis fermentum tincidunt volutpat, sem justo scelerisque ipsum, sed iaculis sapien est id lectus.

Praesent ut nisi sed elit volutpat posuere. Pellentesque nec ipsum et nibh sagittis malesuada eget quis ipsum. Nam dui risus, fringilla a bibendum nec, sagittis eget nisi. Aliquam risus urna, ullamcorper vitae ultricies eu, adipiscing nec dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis rutrum tortor et ante lacinia a interdum metus aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In in diam id justo faucibus vestibulum non eget mauris. Vivamus et elit risus. Cras euismod leo ut massa adipiscing aliquet eget vel justo.

Vestibulum eget tincidunt quam. Nulla et tellus id velit gravida volutpat id a urna. Nullam felis eros, adipiscing vitae fermentum ut, pretium at odio. In quam justo, molestie at ultrices vitae, ornare in lacus. Etiam felis tortor, tristique vitae ultrices a, ornare vitae leo. Nulla vel sapien dolor, vitae mattis erat. Nulla facilisi. Donec mi lorem, fermentum ut egestas aliquam, tincidunt vitae magna. Phasellus nec commodo elit. Nulla aliquam risus in ligula feugiat vel dapibus libero placerat. Nulla non volutpat mi. Vivamus sapien augue, tincidunt vitae vestibulum id, convallis quis orci.

Curabitur erat ligula, mollis ut euismod non, congue at ante. Duis elementum nisl ac sapien vehicula iaculis. Ut adipiscing justo eget eros congue sit amet pharetra est eleifend. Proin vehicula tincidunt arcu ac semper. Curabitur aliquam quam vel risus fringilla sed porta nisi pulvinar. Quisque sed odio quis odio lacinia volutpat. Vestibulum bibendum condimentum malesuada. Sed sit amet gravida urna. Fusce id massa dui. Pellentesque pretium erat ut odio pretium adipiscing. Donec nec leo sapien. Cras gravida eleifend mollis. Fusce nibh justo, malesuada nec interdum id, luctus id lectus. Nunc consectetur eros eget diam porta consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ut turpis eget arcu consectetur tincidunt id eget nisi. Suspendisse potenti.

Sed pellentesque felis id quam pretium aliquet. Morbi tincidunt accumsan nisi id rutrum. Donec at eros mi, id lacinia massa. Curabitur lectus neque, scelerisque vitae auctor non, consequat et mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et massa eu enim pellentesque rutrum. Pellentesque a velit sem. Nulla ac eros tellus. Fusce semper suscipit massa lacinia eleifend. Praesent pharetra bibendum augue, volutpat pretium odio sodales non. Nunc semper blandit purus, non dictum odio consectetur quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Friday, 27 June 2014 00:00

Sport's what you make of it

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisi ipsum, aliquet ac vulputate eu, congue nec diam. Mauris ligula metus, tempus eget scelerisque nec, aliquet et risus. Nulla consequat elit vel ipsum pharetra quis tempor metus varius. Duis nulla enim, placerat eu imperdiet at, fermentum ac nibh. Suspendisse ac orci porttitor justo aliquet eleifend. In convallis, felis fermentum tincidunt volutpat, sem justo scelerisque ipsum, sed iaculis sapien est id lectus.

Praesent ut nisi sed elit volutpat posuere. Pellentesque nec ipsum et nibh sagittis malesuada eget quis ipsum. Nam dui risus, fringilla a bibendum nec, sagittis eget nisi. Aliquam risus urna, ullamcorper vitae ultricies eu, adipiscing nec dolor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis rutrum tortor et ante lacinia a interdum metus aliquet. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In in diam id justo faucibus vestibulum non eget mauris. Vivamus et elit risus. Cras euismod leo ut massa adipiscing aliquet eget vel justo.

Vestibulum eget tincidunt quam. Nulla et tellus id velit gravida volutpat id a urna. Nullam felis eros, adipiscing vitae fermentum ut, pretium at odio. In quam justo, molestie at ultrices vitae, ornare in lacus. Etiam felis tortor, tristique vitae ultrices a, ornare vitae leo. Nulla vel sapien dolor, vitae mattis erat. Nulla facilisi. Donec mi lorem, fermentum ut egestas aliquam, tincidunt vitae magna. Phasellus nec commodo elit. Nulla aliquam risus in ligula feugiat vel dapibus libero placerat. Nulla non volutpat mi. Vivamus sapien augue, tincidunt vitae vestibulum id, convallis quis orci.

Curabitur erat ligula, mollis ut euismod non, congue at ante. Duis elementum nisl ac sapien vehicula iaculis. Ut adipiscing justo eget eros congue sit amet pharetra est eleifend. Proin vehicula tincidunt arcu ac semper. Curabitur aliquam quam vel risus fringilla sed porta nisi pulvinar. Quisque sed odio quis odio lacinia volutpat. Vestibulum bibendum condimentum malesuada. Sed sit amet gravida urna. Fusce id massa dui. Pellentesque pretium erat ut odio pretium adipiscing. Donec nec leo sapien. Cras gravida eleifend mollis. Fusce nibh justo, malesuada nec interdum id, luctus id lectus. Nunc consectetur eros eget diam porta consectetur. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc ut turpis eget arcu consectetur tincidunt id eget nisi. Suspendisse potenti.

Sed pellentesque felis id quam pretium aliquet. Morbi tincidunt accumsan nisi id rutrum. Donec at eros mi, id lacinia massa. Curabitur lectus neque, scelerisque vitae auctor non, consequat et mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et massa eu enim pellentesque rutrum. Pellentesque a velit sem. Nulla ac eros tellus. Fusce semper suscipit massa lacinia eleifend. Praesent pharetra bibendum augue, volutpat pretium odio sodales non. Nunc semper blandit purus, non dictum odio consectetur quis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Solid Concepts, a company that specializes in 3D printing in metal and now owned byStratasys, as announced their second 3D-printed metal gun, the Reason.

Their first gun, the 1911, as well as this one were made by sintering – melting – metal powder with a laser. However, from the detail on the barrel and handle it’s clear the company has improved the technology immensely over the year.

“We’re proving this is possible, the technology is at a place now where we can manufacture a gun with 3D Metal Printing,” wrote Kent Firestone, Vice President of Additive Manufacturing at Solid Concepts last year. “Now, if a qualifying customer needs a unique gun part in five days, we can deliver.”

 There have been a number of plastic guns available to hobbyists for some time now. These metal models, however, are far more rugged and safer to fire. In fact, the original 1911 has been successfully fired at least 5,000 times.

This new gun, which features an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence on the barrel, appears to be a proof-of-concept and demonstration of high-resolution metal printing techniques. The original 1911 sold for $11,900 but there is no price tag on this gun/political statement.