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Natural ways to kill parasites in the body in 8 ways

candida, worms, and flukes parasites  are those creations of nature who make millions suffer with their presence in the gut.

  1. Black Walnuts
    . Juice the nut hulls to extract all the goodness out of it, drink in a gulp, and let it extract all the bad out of your tummy with this cleansing your blood and intestines.

  2. Garlic
     Be it cough, cold, flu, pain, inflammation, and parasites, garlic can fight all being known as anti-everything.

  3. Clove
    The oil of clove is anti-bacterial, antiviral, and with other antimicrobial properties which destroys all the eggs of the parasites laying in the intestinal tract.

  4. Diatomaceous Earth

    The ability to absorb methyl mercury, E. Coli, endotoxins, viruses, and synthetic drug residues makes this an excellent intestine cleaner.
  5. Chinese Goldthread

    A traditional Chinese remedy for infections of different kinds, including bacterial, parasitic, yeast and protozoan types.
  6. Oregano Oil

     This oil prevents free radical damage and  is commonly used for anti-parasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties.
  7. Wormwood

     Wormwood is a perennial shrub with bright yellow-green flowers, the leaves and flowers of this plant works well against parasites coiled in your gut.
  8. Thyme

    One of the best herbs used to stimulate your thymus gland and awaken body’s natural defense system to fight against the parasites.

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